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Maternity Massage Specialist Training, Level 1
Maternity Massage Specialist Training, Level 1
Welcome - Introduction (2:31)
1: A Brief History of Touch During Pregnancy
2: Dispelling the Myths of Pregnancy Massage (19:40)
3: Benefits of Maternity Massage (5:07)
4: General Guidelines for Maternity Massage (13:09)
5: Session Guidelines and Goals for Each Trimester (18:17)
6A: Vocab: Communicating Like You Are Birth Savvy
6B: Vocab: Docs, Doulas and Midwives (9:35)
7: What You Must Understand About Pregnant Anatomy
8: The Great Positioning Debate (22:37)
9: Fear of Causing a Miscarriage (3:54)
10: Stop Freaking Out About Foot Massage (1:42)
11: The Mighty, Mighty Hormones of Pregnancy (7:09)
12: Equipment, Supplies and Office Considerations for Prenatal Massage (8:14)
13: Stop, Go, or Proceed with Caution - Contraindications and High Risk Clients
14: The Craziness of Due Dates (5:12)
15: The THREE Things You Must Do To Do Make Your Clients LOVE YOU
16: What You Should NEVER Say To a Pregnant Woman (4:58)
17: How to Help Pregnancy-Specific Conditions With Massage Therapy
9: Fear of Causing a Miscarriage
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